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You Design: Hoosiers

After a crazy interruption in the sports world, the NBA is finally back and almost to the Finals. To celebrate, this week we have a special You Design of the 1986 film Hoosiers. Gene Hackman stars in the true story of a high school basketball coach who takes a small town team, Hickory, to the Indiana state championship against a large city high school. The story was so inspirational and well-adapted that it redefined the “underdog” formula—and so timeless that, in 2015, the Indiana Pacers adopted the Hickory uniforms as alternate.

In 2001, Hoosiers was preserved in the National Film Registry for its Historical and Cultural significance. Today we give our praise to the Hickory basketball team and look forward to the NBA finals in October!

Now that artist Jared Otto has redesigned the sound from this Hoosiers scene, it's your turn to play with his Audio Design Desk project and make something new! Download the files below to get started. And don't forget to share you work with us on social media or by emailing us at!



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